Those words were once the domain of the sea gulls in the movie Finding Nemo and a 2-year old learning how to play well with others. Who knew it would be the cry from corner offices atop large downtown office buildings.
Although I disagree with President Obama’s cap on TARP-receiving corporate CEO’s, sometimes you have to protect people from themselves when they don’t know any better. The free market system only works when there are self-governing checks and balances. Trust is the foundation of the free market for it to run successfully.
Oil companies having record profits with triple digit price increases, executive compensation in the 8 figures during blood-letting bottom line years, and athletes rejecting annual salaries of $25 million to play a silly game says the “Mine, mine , mine” game needs placed under control and those playing that game put in a time out.
Business who want to restore order to our economy and business environment have to understand that the first step isn’t refilling the credit buckets so loans can once again be made, it isn’t going to happen by creating infrastructure-building jobs, and it isn’t going to happen because Congress says so.
The only way to restore a long standing, growing, economy is to begin by restoring trust to those who lead the economy. Once the public again has faith in our governmental, corporate, and local leaders then we can build a strong business foundation. This will take years and lots of hard work and cleansing of people from jobs who no longer deserve the positions they have abused.
Begin the process of restored trust and we begin the process of restoring the lifestyle we love in this country.