Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Time for Information Marketing

The NEW economy will bring drastic shifts in marketing. Are you preparing for the new business model? Your competition is and you are the one who should be setting the standard for others to follow. Get in front of the curve.

Permission marketing is replacing the outdated mode of interruption marketing. Interruption marketing are radio, TV and print media ads that interrupt what you are listening, watching and reading. The effectiveness of such ads are reducing, and technology is offering ways around them. The cost has always been prohibitive for the small business owner but online informational marketing is the perfect fit of information and price.

Online is driving the permission marketing model and in the online world we live in, businesses need to be jumping at the opportunities to create space for themselves in the "netiverse".

Be the Informant

The buying public has reached overload on spin control commercials and news. Cynicism is the default setting all information must filter through. At the first sign of disingenuous information, that information is filed in the Spam folder and long forgotten. Be the distributor of information they learn to trust, respect and desire. You become their informant on the narrow slice of your expertise.

Then what information gets through to the consumer is information that is rich in content, sincerity and has something of value for the reader. When you create a steady source of this information, consumers give you the permission to send it to them, thus turning interruption marketing to permission marketing. No longer are they rejecting what they receive from you but welcoming it. To be honest they aren't going to read everything you send either, but at least you know something is getting through.

Start your blog today

As dated as this may sound to some readers; business owners, CEOs and presidents need to be blogging on the focus of their businesses. If you run a bank, blog on lending. Write about how customers can get loans approved, increase their credit scores and manage debt. If you own an equipment rental store, write about creative uses for the equipment you rent, have how to's to make difficult jobs easier, and what are the best tools for the best jobs. Whatever business you run or own, take a narrow slice and blog your brain dry on that topic. Then research to refill your brain for more information to share with consumers of your products. You want to be who they come back to time and time again.

People want to be informed without the spin or over sell and they are going to do business with who knows what they are talking about. Forget the interruption ads, and get with establishing an information conduit that can be trusted. That's the marketing model for the NEW economy.