"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one we have." -- Emile Chartier
When anyone is totally invested in one idea, right or wrong it becomes the idea they grip too closely. Regardless of facts that say otherwise, people will stick with an idea even to the detriment of the organization.
The heated debate of a healthcare proposal has lost focus on what is best for the country over all and has now become focused on which side of the aisle wins; those with the idea or those against the idea.
Board rooms wrestle in the same ways, just not as publically on the defense and attack of the one idea in the room with health care.
How often is the second right answer even better than the first one? Most of the time. This is why writers edit, why marketers look for the slightly off center and why executives need to explore deeper to find other right answers.
What are the singular right answers in your organization that you hold as infallible truths? The customer is always right? Our logo can never change? We could never move the main office? Our signature product will not change with the times, people like it just the way it is?
Find the second right answer and you will find a better idea most of the time.