When was the last time you took one full hour of a work day to be uninterrupted by anything and you just sat and thought about your business? No phones, no computer, no walk ins; just you and your mind and maybe a notepad and pen. Here are a few questions to ponder in your hour.
1. How are you taking advantage of the financial recession?
2. What are two things you could do out of character to encourage and motivate employees?
3. Where are you accepting less than the best in your organization? Why?
4. If you could start this year over, what would you do differently?
5. How will you take this knowledge into next year?
6. What scares you about the business?
7. What excites you about the business?
8. How can you generate more excitement?
9. Why should your employees care about where they work?
10. Why should you customers care about your products?
11. What did you have more energy for 10 years ago you let slide today?
12. How can you regain that energy or delegate that task to someone who has it?
13. What three words can you change to your slogan or marketing campaign to totally reposition your products for a new market?
14. When will you schedule another hour on the calendar like this one?