Isn't it great how we can climb in the car enter our destination address into the GPS and have basically worry free travel knowing we won't get lost and will reach our destination? What does your business GPS look like? Since executives don't have a Garmin gadget sitting on their desk for them to enter where they want to be in 12 months and expect basically worry free travel, we have to do it the old fashioned way. We do that by answering some questions to help us determine the focus of the trip. Such as, do you know your destination you desire to reach by January 1st, 2011?
What is the address?
Having a clear picture of where you want your business to be is no different than the clear definition of where you want your car to be at the end of the trip. Instead of entering a street number into your GPS, enter in the "address" you want your business to reach. The address looks like, revenue dollars, on market share street in the town of profits in the state of celebration.
What is guiding your path to reach your destination?
A strategic plan is the best map for getting from Point A to Point B. Have you mapped out your route to your desired destination? Just being filled with desire and hope today isn't going to get you there. I know lots of hard working people who are struggling. Your mapped out plan keeps you on task even when you have to take unexpected detours. The more detailed the directions the better defined the route. Imagine the GPS lady's voice tell you, "It one mile, turn left" as opposed to your VP telling you at the last minute, "We should’ve turned one mile back."
What obstacles do you anticipate?
Rarely does a year happen with smooth sailing the entire way. In fact, if your seas are that calm, you probably never left the harbor. Obstacles are part of every journey and anticipated obstacles are easily navigated when you are prepared for their inevitability. Make a list of the potential obstacles you will face this year and make a plan to render them non-events, just part of the landscape of reaching your destination.
What are your contingency plans?
To journey the path to great destinations requires fore-thought as I've mentioned but also necessary to achieve greatness is the ability to think on your feet and be decisive. Every great leader is comfortable and ready with contingency plans when the unexpected happens. Unless you want to be stopped dead in your tracks well short of your destination, be ready to make choices quickly to keep your business progressing forward.