Friday, February 6, 2009

Statistics that Frighten Me

Smoking is down for 8th graders

I'm sure that is good news for all parents but the fact we actually have this statistic is frightening. USA Today had a graph showing the steady decline of smoking among 8th grade students. At first I thought it was a joke, some clever ad campaign, but no it was an actual study. Heaven help us if start seeing birth control pills that are chewable and in the shape of Fred and Wilma.

$253.4 million Vioxx verdict

No, that wasn't for an entire class action case; it was awarded to one woman for the loss of her 59 year old husband. Yes, Merck should pay if they were found negligent, and yes punitive damages should be given to deter irresponsibility by corporations, but a quarter of a billion dollars? Our courts are being turned into lottery tickets, and the other 4,200 Vioxx cases waiting in the wings are not longer looking for justice; they are looking for riches. I guess justice will be left to criminal courts…as soon as O.J. finds the perpetrator.

$380 a barrel in 10 years

A report prepared by energy economists at the French investment bank Ixis-CIB has warned crude oil prices could touch $380 a barrel by 2015.

Analysts Patrick Artus and Moncef Kaabi said in the next 10 years demand for oil will outstrip supply by around 8 million barrels per day (mbpd). Between lower oil production and the juggernaut of China's economic growth, the world will be fighting for crude.

When the average gasoline price in the United States is $2.55 for regular when oil is $65 a barrel, what would it be if oil was at $380 a barrel? How abut $14.90 a gallon. Yes, we got a reprieve from the prices of this last summer, but have you noticed the recent price creep because refinery workers may go on strike?

What are the statistics that scare you? Let me know at