Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Where Did Our Future Go?

In the 1950's and 60's the sci-fi vision of the future in the 21st Century was one filled with technological bliss of moving sidewalks in cities, flying cars as a typical mode of transportation, and vacations in space for the average person.

Here we are 40 years later from that vision –- but where are these things? Some say it’s the inability to put these inventions in to a practical application. I have a different perspective.

Think of the sci-fi movies of today like Terminator. Wall E and The Matrix. What is the vision of the future? Is it a blissful environment where everyone has a better life through technology? No, it is a dire wasteland of an apocalyptic vision.
What changed between these two future outlooks? Attitude.

The 1960's ended with one of the greatest scientific projects ever attempted: putting a man on the moon (with the computer power of what amounts to a Wal-Mart watch today.) A President set the vision and the commitment of a country was set. It was an astounding accomplishment based, in a common vision, commitment and a can do spirit.

Those are same components that created such a positive outlook of the future at that time. People rallied for common causes, people had a positive outlook of the future, and as we've seen on many mechanical marvels, the focus of great talent can accomplish great things with the technology available at that time. In other words, it wasn't the technology that made these marvels reality, it was the people.

Compare those attitudes with the prevalent attitudes of today. Cynicism has replaced positive thinking. Rallying around a common cause has dissolved into debate and posturing along political party lines and for every can-do attitude there is a talking head on a news channel with an opposing view. We have no consensus building, we have polarization.

Does the technology exist to create flying cars, moving sidewalks and vacation space travel? Absolutely, the capability of our technology and scientific skill is unmatched in history. The only thing keeping us from blissful living through technology is … Attitude.

If we could dedicate resources to a common cause and rally around that common cause, the results would be staggering and as impressive as the moon landing was in its day. If we want to get out of this recession, we can, if we want to create a meaningful education system, we can, if we want a health care system that is the envy of the world, we can.

We just need to roll back attitudes to the 1960's and we could get it done. If we want it bad enough. If we are willing to rally together. If we believe we can do this with focus and without the concern for special interests groups. Sadly, I'm afraid that may be more difficult than landing a man on the moon. Let's hope we as a country wake up in time to rally before we have to abandon ship. Our future is what we can see and make happen.