Monday, September 14, 2009

The United States of Panic

The town hall meetings of August were not as much about health care reform as about the last straw in a scary year for a segment of our society that is on the edge of panic. Americans are being bombarded with fearful messages around every corner. From the devastating deficit of our government, to the plummeting housing market to swine flu to corporate ads playing to our fears that interrupt our terror filled news reports; we are a society under an attack of fear.

Not only are people looking for answers but they are looking for someone to trust and believe in as well as someone to help ease their fears. This is a tremendous opportunity for the corporation that cares about their customers and employees more than the bottom line.

If you are one of those decreasing number of organizations who care about making this a better country, instead of just focusing on getting your piece of the profit pie before it disappears; you have a great opportunity to make a difference.

The buying public (as well as those still employed) is cynical and untrusting with good reason about what they hear. Every message they receive sounds like spin control and fraught with hidden agendas.

Get back to being honest with your customers and employees.

Get off the trend of playing up the fears of people to convince them to buy your products.

Stop fueling fear in your employees with knee jerk reactionary layoffs and random budget cuts.

Start by being honest, open and forthright about changes that need to happen to encourage people to succeed.

Leadership actions either stop the panic or encourage the panic.

What are your actions doing?