1. 4 out of 5 college graduates of the 2009 senior class are unable to find a job their degree prepared them for. How could you employ this unused talent in your workforce?
2. It cost $848 million to mint US Currency and coins in 2008. Sounds like time for a cashless society. What innovations do you need to get moving with?
3. The time-tested buy and hold stock strategies have netted zero income for the most recent 10 year period. Sounds like it's time for a new stock model. What tried and true methods are you relying on that are as out-dated?
4. Freerisk.org provides a platform for investors, academics and armchair analysts to rate companies. Are you ready or; in fact, being proactive to have the masses rate your organization? Its coming whether you are ready or not. Be proactive!
5. Penmanship was important to our grandparents. Spelling and sentence structure was important to our parents. Speed of texting and computer-generated words are important to our kids. What "penmanship" type traditions are you holding onto that no longer apply to the current marketplace?
6. Compare the computer of 1995 with the computer of 2009. Compare banking services of 1995 with services of 2009. Compare the reading habits of 1995 with the reading habits of 2009. The Internet has shifted everything dramatically, how have you shifted your business dramatically in the last 15 years? Is it enough? Where will your business be in 15 years?
7. More than 100 million users log on to Facebook at least once each day. MySpace has 58,000,000 unique users. Twitter has 54,000,000 monthly visits. What is your corporate strategy on social networks? They are no longer an idle curiosity; social networks are a real business application.
8. Free is the new discount. What are you giving away as your lost leader to demonstrate how good your products and services are?
9. In music we remember the one hit wonders with fondness for a few years. In business companies try to ride out their one hit product or service for a few years. Those days are gone. You need a new hit annually. What is your big hit for this year?
10. Giant businesses are not built to shift fast enough for today's markets. Small businesses will have infinite opportunity to grab a niche to be nimble in. How are you positioning your business for the new economy?