1. At lunch today if you see someone having lunch alone tell the waiter to bring you their bill. You will feel so awesome doing this!
2. At 2:15 this afternoon stand up where ever you are in the work place and holler loudly, "I love my job!" How did people react? How did that make you feel? Be an inspiration to others today.
3. Make a list of 10 reasons to trust you and send it to everybody! Then challenge them to create their own list.
4. Make a cold call to a random prospect you'd love to do business with and ask them straight up, "You know you should be doing business with us, let's forget all the posturing and get this deal done today." How did they react? How did that make you feel?
5. Plan an event over the weekend that scares you so much your ass puckered up just thinking about it. Doing karaoke sober, riding in a two-seater airplane, riding a zip line, doing a tandem jump out of an airplane: Those are what scare me!
6. Go into a Starbucks between now and Monday and ask to sit down with people you don't know and strike up a conversation with them. What did you learn? How much did it scare you to do that? Why? How did you feel when you were done?
7. Put a $10 bill on a co-workers desk with a note telling them all the stuff you appreciate about them and tell them the tenner is for them to enjoy a few beers on you after work. If you are too cheap to do this for someone who really makes a difference in your work day, you suck!
8. Write a note to your CEO telling him/her everything you appreciate about the company. They are used to only getting complaints from employees. Be sure to mention you are not sucking up, you just wanted them to hear the good stuff today.
9. Give those you work with the most a piece of paper and ask them to write on it what they wish you'd improve on. Sure it'll hurt, growth usually does.
10. This weekend stop by a softball game, a baseball game, or a swim meet, and watch kids play and compete for an hour. Can you feel the excitement? Do you remember a time in your life you were that excited? Recapture that enthusiasm in your life.