I am excited to be part of a great new project. This project even has a 30 city barnstorming tour to rally the troops and spread the word on new information and exciting changes on the way. People are actually paying to attend this rally as well! Why?
They believe and are excited about the future prospects and are eager to hear straight from the people at the top what the vision is for the near future.
When was the last time you had a rally call for your employees? Today all I hear from executives is grumbling and mumblings about the economy, how work is a drag and how they are waiting and hoping for the economy to turn around. Wow, I'm so inspired by such attitudes! NOT!
This summer is the perfect time to have a rally call.
Why not plan an event for the end of July where you stop operations and call all your staff together for a day of inspiration, communication and invigoration. Have a motivational speaker kick off the day with a passionate energy building keynote. Have the CEO follow with a program on the exciting future and how everyone has a role in making a difference.
Do a fantastic lunch -- picnic style. Hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, cookies, have tent outside have some music playing. Create a fun atmosphere.
Follow lunch with a Q and A session where employees write down questions on cards and are given to the CEO to answer on the spot. No previews or yanking a "bad" question. Close the day with another motivational moment; either a speaker, a movie, slide show, something to get them excited about what is going on in the organization.
Right now everyone is looking at the gloom and doom and it is choking off any hopes of powering into the new economy with any gusto. The worst thing upper management can do is see the turning around economy and relax saying, "finally" and hoping the rising tide will life all boats including theirs.
This isn't getting stoked! This isn't having a vision! This isn't inspiring! This isn't even leadership. If you want to lead your company that means in attitude and actions more than anything else. Create the Rally Day and inspire your people to get ready for a great opportunity to make a difference in the industry you operate in.
Don't you dare talk about the cost of the day.
If you aren't willing to invest in your staff; close the doors now, because you have already quit -- you just haven't left yet.
Added note: If you think my program "Get Over the Obstacle when the Obstacle is You"
would fit your motivational slot and you mention this blog posting I will give you an insanely reduced price: 75% off my keynote fee! But that fee is only good for a rally day prior to Labor day.