1. Where should you be replacing fearful thoughts with courageous thoughts?
2. Where are you taking the path of least resistance because it’s just easier not better?
3. Are you waiting for your big break or are you making your big break happen?
4. Are you maintaining a thrive mentality or a survive mentality?
5. Do you have the energy required to lead in today’s business environment? If not, what can you do to get it?
6. Innovation is required in every business, what are you upcoming innovations to energize your business?
7. Where are you encouraging creativity in your work force?
8. How much freedom are you giving your workforce to act on those creative ideas?
9. Technology allows us to keep our distance while still being informed. Where do you need to engage with people again?
10. Before saying no to new ideas are you asking the person to create a compelling argument for their suggestion?
11. Are you creating a safe work environment where employees aren't afraid of what is going to happen next?
12. Time is the enemy. What are you procrastinating you need to act on right now?
13. There is a talent rich employee pool out there right now. Where do you need to be making upgrades?
14. What does "Shut your hole and know your role" mean to you as a leader?
15. How can you "Get Big" in thought and action?
16. What is the one thing about you that you hope no one finds out?
17. If you don’t change that one thing, how are you going to deal with it when they do find out?
18. If you lost the ability to create spin control, would your truth still be successful?