I used to do a popular program entitled "Get Over the Obstacle, When the Obstacle is You." In good times people were eager to hear how they could get out of their own way. In tough times audiences become less interested because being in their own way is also called their comfort zone and that's where they want to stay, even to their own detriment.
I can be silent on this issue no longer. We MUST stop the mind-numbing mind games we play on ourselves if we are going to rise to the occasion of rebuilding our economy. So as not to overload anyone, let's focus on just three of the myriad of mind games we hurt ourselves with.
The pain of rejection
Savvy business people can twist themselves up trying to avoid rejection. "Now is not a good time." "I need to take care of other things." and "No one is buying right now anyhow." are common excuses to avoid rejection. The fact is, what we call rejection is a mind game. Ever have someone hang up on you? Tell you they don't like you? Cuss you out for calling them to sell something? We tend to take these personal and feel rejected on a deep psychological level. When in fact, what we call rejection is more of a statement on timing, the other person’s issues and learning proper methods for approaching people.
Instead of shutting down and feeling sick about it, remind yourself rejection is a mind game we play on our selves. Be objective and learn from it. Consider it more guidance than a personal attack and keep on forging ahead.
We are creating mental scenarios that have such a low remote possibility of happening, yet we adjust our behaviors accordingly. How many times have I heard executives claim with despair, "We could go if this economy lasts much longer." Contrary to popular belief, people are buying, companies are making profits, and companies are hiring. The doom and gloom is juicy news but not everyone is suffering and those who are suffering are not all going out of business.
We need to replace fear with courage in the business climate. Instead of looking to all the ills of what we are going through, we need to focus on what are the steps we can take to thrive in this situation. When you are focused on the positives, when you are driven with a monomaniacal vision, you don't leave room for fear to creep into your mind and cause it to be numb waiting for things to change. Take action.
The path of least resistance
I had a client tell me he is going to have a hiring freeze, salary freeze, bonus freeze, and cut the marketing budget in half and eliminate the training and conference budget and then trim everything else by 10% until things turn around. How's that for a progressive approach to leading your business to get ahead?
Where is the work? It’s the easy road. It's the path of least resistance to do wholesale cuts and freezes and blame the economy. When I hear an executive making these kinds of comments I believe it is an indicator of lack of interest, effort and commitment. Why? Because a company never grew or improved its standing in the market place by such behaviors.
Instead of looking for the path of least resistance, look for the path no one has thought to take. Look for the opportunity people are afraid to try because it's going to require a lot of work. In a tough economy hustle, mental toughness and a willingness to try new things will grow a company more than a path of least resistance.
Most times we are the creator of our own mental blocks. Take a look at what is numbing your mind, and get reenergized to thrive in the coming weeks and months.