Have you ever worked for a boss who was more concerned where his office was located and how it was furnished than in what he actually was able to lead others to accomplish? Have you even been faced with a corporate leader who was more interested in making a good impression than in possessing sound advice and preparation for a meeting? In Texas they say that person is “All hat and no cattle.”
Part of the debt problem in this country has to do with this same issue: People wanting to impress others with their material goods and having nothing to support it. Corporations have gone the same way with over extending themselves and creating hollow companies build on a shaky foundation of impressing stockholders while ignoring sound business practices.
Leadership is about being the “Real McCoy.” Leave the posing to models and the posturing to those who have no substance. Leadership is about bringing substance to your followers so they trust your instincts, intelligence and ability to make the best decision available.
When Emmitt Smith, the great running back from the Dallas Cowboys, was asked why he never did an end zone dance when he scored a touchdown, he replied, “Because I want to act like I’ve been there before.” Leaders who are more concerned with results and growth in the companies become less concerned with showing off and trying to impress people.
Are you more concerned with measured growth or with your bonus? Be careful, you may be the one that is all hat and no cattle.