Are you possibly worried about how the stock market is doing? Are you having elevated concerns about economic woes in 2009? Have you thought about thrashing expenses, laying-off employees, and just hunkering down in hopes of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in 2010? NO WE CAN’T!
No We Can’t – Make knee-jerk reactions
I hear business owners crying about the economy and making more poor decisions as a knee-jerk reaction. Leadership attitude is critical to setting the tone for the rest of the organization. Wholesale slashing of expenses, reducing payroll, and simply hoping for the best sends a message to your workforce that you’ve given up, gone for easy pickins, and just want to weather a short-term storm. The storm is not short-term and leadership can’t afford to send that message to the workforce.
Recessions and economic downturns are actually a good opportunity for organizations to reflect and see where they are not performing very well. Instead of the 10% cut across the board (the lazy leader’s decision) investigate your organization and find where the shortfalls, low performances and poor execution are happening. Spend your efforts on how to strengthen these areas.
In boom times we are so busy we are focused on making money and some bad habits can develop that are overshadowed by the good times. The recession actually provides the opportunity to strengthen the organization. Use that time wisely to strengthen the organization, not implement cross-the-board cuts.
No We Can’t – Give up
Business has always been an up and down ride, although the hills seem to be steeper and the pace required to succeed has increased. Giving up is just not an option. What do I mean by giving up? Doing everything the same as you always have in hopes the economy and the world of business will return to “normal.” Deciding technology is moving too fast and you can’t keep up and just focusing on the old ways of marketing. Once leadership throws in the towel, the business will fail or at least suffer dramatically until a new leader is brought in.
Are times tough? Sure they are in some respects. Are we at a doom point? No. Actually now is the time for leadership to establish how good they really are. In easy times all organizational leaders can demonstrate positive results because the rising tide lifts all boats. But in times that are challenging real leaders demonstrate their skills and abilities. Now is the time for great leaders to dig deep into their organization and themselves and find that strength that will elevate the organization above the competition.