Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time to Tweet

Hi tweeple! To those who tweet, go to tweetups and live in the twitterverse you understand these words. For those of you who have only heard of Twitter or have no clue what I am talking about, make 2009 a time to get to know this web opportunity.

Years ago when I performed my services only locally I knew where the best places were to network and meet the people I needed to know that could teach me and hire me. Once I went international and no longer did business locally, I lost my tight networking connections and wondered aloud how do you network internationally and where it the network I need to be tuned into.

I had heard of twitter and I am active on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and LinkedIn, so I figured what was one more? How twitter works is very simple. What it can do for you is astronomical. is a place where you can create an account for free similar to the other online networking options and you gain followers and select those who you want to follow. It takes some time to work through the process before finding those who can truly feed you, but well worth the effort. With twitter you only have 140 characters to express yourself. Not 140 words, 140 characters. Meaning two sentences ago would be too long of a “tweet” or comment. How can such a short delivery have any meaning? It forces the writer to be brief, specific and if necessary include a link in the sentence if you care to learn and read more. Ever see the length of some of those url strings? That’s why you use link shortening devices such as which will take any length url and turn it into 25 characters. To find me on twitter go to and follow me!

What can this do for me?

I have been active on twitter a couple of months and I already have hundreds of followers and have found hundreds of people to follow. People I want to network with who serve different purposes for me. Twitter is becoming the main source of news for me. I follow the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo buzz, the Drudge Report, MSNBC, and for a local flavor the Charlotte Observer to name a few.

For information that feeds my business I follow those who can help me in my business weaknesses in search engine optimization, network marketing, and web design. I have already received valuable information in all of these areas. I also follow fellow speakers, business experts, and writers. I am connected to a Charlotte area network and every other week we meet up for a “tweetup” lunch to talk generally or on table topics. All discussions are informative and I like being around good brains who help me think.

There is also the celebrity fun of conversing directly with Shaq, MC Hammer, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Natalie Gulbis and the Governator. The Obama campaign had the most followers on twitter this year, but has gone silent since election night.

Twitter can become a great new source, a place to ask techie questions since the geek quotient is high, and get inspired and learn from other smart people. Not to mention, make new friends, promote services (carefully) and in my case enjoy tweeting with some celebrities on the cutting edge. Feed your business. Feed your brain. Join the “twitterverse” and become one of the tweeple who write tweets on twitter.