We are lazy, not committed and expect someone else to do the heavy lifting. We no longer want to get ahead, we just want to hold steady and coast. We want to keep things the way they are, or were. If you are coasting you are going downhill. If we are waiting on someone else to do the heavy lifting; good news! China and India are glad to take over the burden of being the best economies in the world.
The government isn't going to fix us. The economy isn't going to go back to how it used to be. We have to make the redirection of the economy in this country happen one business at a time, one day at a time. Business is the driving force that has the potential to make this country a strong economic power once again. It’s time for business leaders to take control, and for the rest of the country to hold them accountable and do our part to support this recovery.
Step 1 Me first
Whenever there is a risk to be taken, whenever there is a big effort to be made, whenever there is someone who has to put it all on the line to make something dramatic happen, most people have the same response: you first.
How about “Me first?” We must stop waiting around for someone else to fix things. If I am a business owner or executive I need to accept the position of leadership and take action that may feel risky, that may jeopardize my position, which may seem like a crazy amount of work; but guess what? THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
Leaders are responsible for taking the lead. I am tired of hearing about business leaders not wanting to try new things, not willing to accept needed changes in how a business operates, not willing to invest money in their employees right now. Act like you belong in your position. Act like you want things to change and are willing to take the lead. Take the attitude of “Me first” in leading the economic recovery for your organization.
Step 2 Get over it
When did Chicken Little become the voice of reason for leaders? When did it become acceptable behavior to cry for mommy when things got tough? We want someone to come protect us, to bail us out from the mess we created, to make the boo boos all better. Get over it! Take responsibility for your company. Take responsibility for your job. Take responsibility for cleaning up the mess that has been created and get to work on doing the right things no matter how hard it may be.
If we allow our fears to prevent us from taking the right path to success no matter how hard it is, we will never get employees to follow. In fact, if we wimp out, they will want the same things we want: bail outs, freely eliminated debt with no consequence, and someone else to take the first steps for making a difference. Take action. Silent those fear voices and build your courage to be bold.
Step 3 Believe
The media have been telling the younger generations there is no way they can exceed the lifestyle of their parents. They are telling all of us the glory days of America are behind us because China and India are just going to overwhelm us economically by sheer numbers. Why do we just accept this as fact? Don’t give up!
Fears have people worried they are going to lose their investments, their property, their future. You can listen to the fear mongering or you can do something about changing that prediction of doom and gloom, but it all starts in that 6 inches between your ears. Once you believe, deep down in the core of your being, you can be the best; you then can make a difference. You have the ability to correct the course you are on – then you can get to work making it happen.
Stop letting the media do your thinking for you. Start believing it’s time to regain control and take it, use it, and make the right things happen in your life once again.