1. Remember what made this country great and keep working hard to keep America the best in the world. Terrorists only win when we give up.
2. The terrorist attack of 9/11/01 threw this county further into the Decade of Fear. Make note of ways you’ve become more fearful in the last ten years, and take action to reverse that control over your actions.
3. List five things you want to happen this year to make 2009 end with a strong finish.
4. Identify two significant shifts you need to make in your business to prevent your products and services from becoming obsolete.
5. Consider the impact of shifting regulation on how your company makes profits. Take two steps today to mitigate that impact.
6. Note what your company is in denial about, and take steps to discuss the real potential if this denial isn’t addressed.
7. You know the elephant in the room. Get discussions started about it so you can focus on more productive pursuits.
8. Identify where you are screaming at your customers about what you do instead of listening to what they want.
9. Find the right message to reach the right customers so you no longer have to use scream marketing.
10. Enjoy the freedoms you have in this country and be thankful we have people willing to defend the lifestyle we so richly enjoy living in America.