Over the last decade leadership is talking the Chicken Little “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” model of leadership rather than the Admiral Farragut “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” model of leadership we were once known for in this country.
Last week was the 8th anniversary date of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Instead of hearing pride and confidence in not having another terrorist attack since then, we hear the Secretary of Homeland Security talk about we are not as prepared for a catastrophe as we could be and how we must be ever prepared and on our guard. What happened to hope?
What happened to American strength? It appears to be replaced at the leadership level with fear of what might happen.
Corporations are not making steps to increase the economy and rally around a recovery. Everyone is waiting on someone else to make a bold move to get things done. Maybe eventually we will get to a point where we can do things like we used to once someone, anyone (other than "me" of course) takes that first big step.
When did we become more concerned with our golden parachutes than our bold initiatives? When did we become more interested in our quarterly profits than in creating loyalty in customers and employees? When did we become such a group of leader wussies?
Give Chicken Little to the colonel to fry up for lunch and let’s get back to the American way of confidence, pride and commitment and stop the bullshit we now call leadership.
If you can’t handle the hot seat of responsibility for your organization, step aside and give it to someone who can. I’m tired of people who don’t care to work hard and make a difference. It’s time we take back our economy, we take back our companies and we take back our belief we can be the best – and really do something about it!
So what are you going to do about it?