1. Believe in your strengths. That belief will provide boundless opportunities to succeed.
2. Fears are the obstacles to success. You can’t eliminate them (nor do you want to) but use that as navigation devices to find the correct path for your success. Recognize sometimes a fear is the last obstacle to overcome in achieving greatness.
3. Avoid the negative thought others feel obligated to cast in your direction as “sound advice.” Miserable people want everyone to see the world as they do to justify their attitudes.
4. Turn off the TV. The negativity and misinformation on the television is an overwhelming reason the masses don’t what to thrive. You are not part of the masses. When you let a box do your thinking for you, it will try very hard to keep you thinking inside the box.
5. Try new things. A fearful society finds comfort within the rigid walls of their rut. Always keep the walls of your groove flexible and frequently look beyond them.
6. Use your written voice. Writing is a great way to express your thinking and find clarity for your actions. Good writing is also persuasive and gathers those of like minds you want to attract.
7. Never stop. Set your mind to understand there is no finish line until you are ready to walk away and be done. Many people once successful are no longer because they thought they had arrived at the finish line. You are either moving forward or moving backward in life.