Where is the WOW? How are you getting your message through the noise to reach your targeted customers? Do you even know what the WOW is? You have to think WOW in every aspect of the business.
I still hear clients talk about mass marketing they think works because someone told them they saw the ad. I still hear audience members telling me they run their businesses basically the same as they have for 20 years (only now with less money being spent – you know, because of the economy) Sheesh!
Ask yourself these questions and the answers will provide you with your best income producing ideas of the year.
1. What is your WOW?
How do you inspire your customers and employees to say "wow?" What do you do that gets their attention? I mean really gets them to take notice of your products and services to the point they have no interest in using anyone else. The WOW doesn't have to be expensive or flashy. It has to be what grabs the attention of your customers and employees and hits them in the exact spot they want fulfilled by what you do.
2. Where do you bring the WOW?
Once you know what the WOW is, you have to decide where you are going to get that customer to take notice of it. Is it the first impression they have of your location? Is it when they make their first return visit? Is it in enjoying your product? Decide where you want your WOW to be noticed, and then craft a plan to make sure every time a customer reaches that place -- they get the WOW.
3. Why do you bring the WOW?
If you decide to try to deliver WOW just for the bottom line, it will not work. You have to believe, invest and be committed personally to the WOW in your business. Copying someone else's idea doesn't make it a WOW for you. Find what you can be consistent with and dedicated to in good times and tough times. WOW is not a financial-based delivery; it is a mentality.
4. Who brings the WOW?
If you are not consistent in delivering WOW to your employees, you customers will never see a consistent WOW from your employees. Many business leaders have the passion for the companies they created or lead, yet the translation of that passion doesn’t always reach the customers. WOW doesn’t happen because you decided one day you wanted it that way. Nor does it happen because you bring the WOW every day yourself. People have to be taught WOW, work in a culture of WOW, and believe in WOW. Then you have the basic foundation of a WOW organization where it can grow into a daily experience.
5. What is your WOW?
This is the most important and personal-based question: What is it? Why do some businesses succeed and others just get by offering the same products and the same marketing with similar locations? One has WOW and the other is missing it. Your WOW is going to happen as a result of how well you are tuned in with your customer base, your community you serve, and your style of leadership. I find most people want to purchase WOW or be given the blueprint to follow to find WOW. It isn't that easy. WOW is as much expression of who you are as much as it is an art form. You have to create your own version of WOW.
I think the biggest reason more businesses don't WOW their customers, is because leadership isn't looking for it. When you only focus on profits and costs, you will never find the WOW your customers want.
Get your head out of the books and stop whining about money and go find your WOW. The money will take care of itself once you decide you are going to do what it takes to become a WOW organization.