How does your continuous marketing build on itself?
How are you gathering momentum with your message?
How are you measuring your momentum?
Historically companies have used the wave approach to marketing. Typically called campaigns, marketing departments would send out a wave of messages to capture the attention of their market. Then because of costs, their message would die down except for the largest of companies. Some retailers only tried to market strongly during high buying seasons such as the holiday season. The marketing arch has changed and all businesses especially the small businesses can benefit by this shift, if they are willing to make the necessary changes.
Step 1 Make your continuous marketing build on itself.
The Internet gives us 24/7 marketing and still surprisingly few companies are using this medium effectively and we are about to reach the 20th anniversary of its existence. How do you adjust your website daily to drive traffic for return visits? What are you doing in social media to gain more followers, friends and meaningful eyes watching what you have to say? Permission marketing members, those who volunteer to follow your message, are the people you are really reaching with your messages. The better you manage your social media, website and Youtube video marketing the better you can control the momentum of your message. The best part of this new direction; cost is rarely an obstacle as the old marketing system of media advertising could be.
Step 2 Gather momentum with your message.
Gary Vaynerchuk began making Youtube videos for his New Jersey wine store trying to teach the masses that wine appreciation and understanding didn't have to be for the rich and pretentious. Gary's videos offered his unique style and approach to the wine drinker, not to mention utilizing a new type of "free marketing".
Gary's consistent message and enjoyable video "infomercials" began to hit a viral pitch as people began sharing his links. Gary has now appeared on many television programs, mainstream magazines and has a following known as Vayner-nation. His wine sales have grown astronomically. Gary found the mix of personality and message with an inexpensive medium to create a great deal of momentum.
With over 600 videos up now, he has a critical mass and a growing following. It all started with one idea and one video and the commitment to stay with it.
Step 3 Measure your momentum.
With the use of Google analytics, Youtube video views, and monitoring sales volume from Internet contacts, you can have a great understanding of how well your media choices and messages are reaching your targeted audience. Employ these simple and free measurement techniques and get your message on the momentum track and grow your business with continuous marketing with the not-so-new media outlets.