The lament of sales people this year has been the down economy. It's also been their excuse for not closing more sales. Is the condition of the economy really the issue? I see people who have developed bad habits, lazy tendencies and lowered expectations. These changes are where they accept their own bad behaviors and consider inactivity as acceptable.
Yesterday I talked with a sales man who made 100 contacts. He never broke for lunch, he stayed on the phone from 8 AM until he hit his 100, and he closed a few deals and lost a few deals. The point is he was a machine at making contacts.
I asked him why he pounded the phones so relentlessly. I loved his response: Because I am a sales machine and I don't live to my standards unless I am closing deals. If I am not putting something in the pipeline every day I am not closing deals every day.
- What is your daily standard of accomplishment?
- What are you doing to drive your business now and later?
- How are you a driving machine in your position?
- How bad do you want what you complain about not having?
Today is the day you start your daily drive to reaching those accomplishments; if you really want it badly enough.