Today celebrates Columbus Day in Spain and the United States. Columbus was an explorer and made discoveries in his journeys but instead of remembering what he did, think of how he inspires you to take action?
When was the last time you explored unknown places, activities or ideas? We are moving so fast with the pace we are keeping, life seems to be keeping us within the walls of our ruts. Vacations are about packing every moment with activity, businesses abhor failure so we are encouraged to stay within our comfort zones, and the pounding of the 24 hour news cycle is causing people to be fearful of even the most basic of risks.
Consider using today to explore new places and try new things. Strike up a conversation with someone you've never met before. Eat a meal of food you've never tasted before, or drive home from work using roads you’ve never driven home on before without a GPS guiding you.
Feel a small sense of adventure. Now imagine the guts it took to travel by sailboat for two months across the Atlantic and think how much stronger a person had to be then to face such risk. We all need to explore more.
Parents love to watch children grow up because the look of excitement on a child’s face as he discovers new things is something most of us have lost as an adult. When was the last time you had a new discovery? I know some of you are thinking, I’ve discovered how to be unemployed, homeless, etc. If so, what did you learn about yourself in the process?
The discovery I'm referring to comes from trying new things, going to places you've never been to before, or stepping far afield from your routines.
Use today to make a short list of explorations and discoveries you'd like to attempt within the next 90 days. Let me know what you learned from the experience. My guess is you will learn more about yourself than in what you went to discover.