Self-examination is important to improving your organization. In challenging economic times companies usually resort to panic-selling just trying to bring orders in or just looking at what is to happen next in their industry. Self reflection will strengthen the organization to better prepare for bigger opportunities in the near future.
1. Eat This, Not That
The book by that title tells readers what healthier food choices to make when dining out. Apply the same idea to your business. What are the unhealthy things going on in your business you need to eliminate? Also, what the good ideas going on in your business you want to eat up and apply to other areas? The book uses great pictures. Do the same in creating your book of We Want This, Not That for your business.
2. The Purple Cow
Seth Godin’s book by this title is one I read over and over to remind me we always need to look for better ways of doing things. Actually, not just better but the unique that works. What in your business is old hat that people ignore or take for granted? What are ways you can spice up the employee and the customer experience that really sells your corporate culture? How are you exciting people with your work product?
3. Blue Ocean Strategy
The book by this title challenges organizational leaders to make the competition irrelevant. Hundreds of thousands of copies have been sold, but how many readers are actually applying what they learned on the pages? Step one is to put into action the new knowledge you gain. I ask every attendee to my programs to leave with only 2 or 3 ideas they can use, will use, and make happen and they will take great leaps beyond their competition. What knowledge are you not using?
4. The War of Art
The book by this title is one I’ve read a dozen times. Every business owner knows the basic mechanics of running a business. The science of business can be found in every book store in every city in this country. It’s the elusive art of doing business that makes the difference between running a business and growing a business.
5. Read more books
The four book titles I’ve listed here are great books for leaders to not just read, but digest, take notes from, and put into action. You don’t learn to run a better business watching television where people think for you. Spend your off time sharpening your craft and taking a leadership role in your business by improving your knowledge and putting to use that new information. You are guaranteed to make improvements.