So many people are in survival mode, and they have been there for a year, it has to be so restrictive. Do you know what happens when you think a certain way for a full year? It becomes the default condition. Take these 7 steps for getting your mind back to the land of abundance and out of the slums of scarcity.
Step 1 Money is no object
When you are creating ideas there is no cost. There doesn’t need to be any financial restriction of any kind. When you focus on survival and squeezing money your mind uses that approach to idea generation as well. Let your ideas be free spending!
Step 2 Forget half empty and half full – how big is the glass?
Would you rather have a full shot glass or half empty glass the size of a museum aquarium? I want more! Focus your thinking on finding a bigger glass. I heard a business executive say something like “Well at least I have my health.” Screw that. I want a lot more than just my health. I want it all! Don’t you? Get a bigger glass.
Step 3 Work at it
Some people have it handed to them, some people are lucky, some people are gifted. Bottom line who cares how anyone else made it, you have to find your way. If people will spend the time they use to whine and complain on some focused work, they would have a lot less to whine and complain about.
Step 4 Slam it
We live in the cushiest times this country has ever seen in its history and we’ve become just as soft. We need a grinder’s mentality to just slam through our problems and issues. It has never been easier to make personal wealth for the masses than it is right now. Are you waiting and hoping or are you slamming it until you come out ahead? Give it your all.
Step 5 Know what you want
I know people who are in their mid 50’s still trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. Get real. Spend some time getting in touch with whom you are and make a decision on what you want to do with your life. Tick Tick.
Step 6 Now go after it
Fear is replacing courage and conviction in our mentality like a disease. When was the last time you really took a courageous stand? As soon as we start worrying about losing what we have, we no longer are looking to gain more or even maintain.
You either make dust or your eat dust. Are you a dust maker or a dust eater?
Step 7 Take no prisoners
In the age of touchy feely we are more about the group hug in business than in raw winning. The pendulum needed to swing but it has gone too far. It’s time to get gritty once again and focus on growing a business, increasing revenue and making the most profits you ethically can. It is survival of the fittest. Are you mentally equipped for what it takes to be significantly successful? Put these 7 steps to work and your business game face will return.