Only two more days to the weekend, then I can forget about this place for a couple of days.
I can't wait until this economy turns around; I'm running out of money.
My life sucks right now, and I don't care who knows I feel this way.
Would you believe I've heard these exact phrases from executives in the presence of their employees? I feel so motivated.
As a leader your words will inspire people. These three phrases inspire people to feel the same way you do which gives them the opportunity to adopt this attitude toward their work. Is that really what you had planned on when saying such things?
Before any one gets all high and mighty about never uttering those words, what are your actions saying?
I've seen far more executives express these same sentiments through their body language and actions. What messages are you sending?
1. Take advantage of the opportunity to inspire
Sitting on a flight I struck a conversation with the person sitting next to me. At the end of the short flight we realized we had talked the entire time. As we waited in the jet way for our gate-checked bags to arrive she gave me a hug and told me I had brightened her gloomy day. I didn't do anything special I just made the effort to be positive and upbeat. Use those opportunities to inspire.
2. Sometimes life does suck
We all have bad days. We all have days we want to forget, crawl back in bed, or otherwise hide from. As a leader you lose that option. As a leader you get far greater privileges but you also have to give up some things. Publicly whining about your sorry day is one privilege you lose. Get over it and find the good stuff to focus on.
3. Be aware
Stress, a challenging work climate and personal distractions can all drive a leader to slump, snap at people, and be an ogre to be around. Be aware of your ogre indicators. Tirades, facial expressions and comments like I listed at the beginning can all cost long term respect and trust. Be in tuned to your behaviors before others tune in to the tone you are setting for them to follow.